First Aid Kit

Medical emergencies require quick access to care. Having a first aid kit on hand can help you manage until you can see a doctor.

A first aid kit is a must for homeowners. You should also have an additional one at a summer cottage or on a boat. Create a kit at home or purchase a quality one from the store. It should include:

  • Two pairs of disposable gloves.
  • Sterile dressings to stop bleeding.
  • Cleansing agent/soap and antibiotic towelettes to disinfect.
  • Antibiotic ointment.
  • Burn ointment.
  • Adhesive bandages in a variety of sizes.
  • Eyewash solution to flush the eyes.
  • Scissors.
  • Over-the-counter medicines such as pain reliever, laxative,
    anti-diarrhea medication.
  • Prescription medications such as insulin, EPI Pen, heart medicine,
    sthma inhaler.
  • Prescribed medical supplies such as glucose monitoring equipment or
    blood pressure monitors.