Moncton has approximately 79 kilometres of park trails and dozens of interconnected neighbourhood trails that can be enjoyed year-round. Don't forget to #ShareTheTrails!
info [at] (info[at]moncton[dot]ca)

Trail Etiquette & Safety
While on trails, residents must:
- Walk, run, and cycle on the right
- Cyclists must travel a maximum of 15 km/h
- Wheels yield to heels – give pedestrians the right of way
- When passing, sound a bell or use your voice and pass to the left
- Keep pets on leash and clean up after them
- Stay on the trail to preserve natural vegetation and private property
Courtesy and safety rules for ski trails:
- The main ski trail is unidirectional – please follow the arrows
- Step off the trail to the right when stopping
- Say "track" when passing and pass on the left