Information for Developers
There are many steps to take when undertaking a major building project and the Planning and Development Department is here to assist you every step of the way. The resources on this page will help you navigate the process, but don't hesitate to reach out with your questions!
info.plans [at] (info[dot]plans[at]moncton[dot]ca)

Planning Your Project
Before you begin your project, take time to review the building and plumbing codes the City adheres to, as well as the plans and by-laws that guide development in the municipality.
Building Codes, By-Laws, and Guidelines
Codes and By-Laws
The City of Moncton adheres to the following codes and by-laws:
Heritage Conservation
The City has adopted the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada.
Plans, Policies, and Zoning By-Laws
The following plans and by-laws guide development in the City of Moncton:
- Municipal Plan
- Secondary Municipal Plans
- Zoning By-Law
Building and Plumbing By-Laws
Naming Policy
- Naming Policy for Streets, Trails, and Civic Facilities
- Name Bank
- Street and Trail Name Submission Form
Other By-Laws
- Heritage Conservation By-Law
- Heritage By-Law Map
- Subdivision By-Law
- Fees and Charges By-Law
- Tree Protection By-Law
Planning Initiatives
Green Development Guidelines
The City has developed the Green Development Guidelines to assist developers who wish to take a more environmentally-friendly approach in their project. The voluntary guidelines outline best practices that go above and beyond the minimum requirements and offer information on providing greener transportation options, energy efficiency, water conservation and management, waste collection, and more.

Permits and Applications
A full list of permits, applications, and other forms you may need can be found below.
Planning Application Forms
Planning Advisory Committee
Landowner Declaration
Other forms, permits, and licences
Permit applications
- Building and Development Permit Application
- Plumbing Permit Application
- Municipal Heritage Permit Application
Record and review forms
- Attic Insulation Record
- Mechanical Ventilation Record
- National Building Code Review Matrix
- Confirmation of Commitment by Owner
- Field Review Commitment
- Confirmation of Construction Field Review
- Foundation Report Form
Energy efficient design
- Energy Efficient Design Submittal - Prescriptive Path
- Energy Efficient Design Submittal - Performance Path
Other forms
- Zoning Certificate Request
- Street and Trail Name Submission Form
- Property Search Application
- Land Owner Declaration
Business licences
The City of Moncton does not require business licences for most businesses. However licences are required for the following:
The following checklists outline the requirements for specific projects.
- New Construction - Single-Unit, Two-Unit, and Semi-Detached Dwelling
- Addition and/or Renovation to Single-Unit, Two-Unit, and Semi-Detached Dwelling
- New Construction or Addition - Part 9 Building
- New Construction or Addition - Part 3 Building
- Creating a Secondary Suite (small apartment)
- Creating an Apartment
- Converting Residential to Commercial
- Site Plan Information
- Swimming Pool and Enclosure Requirements
Submitting an application
Applications should be submitted to info.plans [at] (info[dot]plans[at]moncton[dot]ca)
Once your application is submitted, you will receive notification for payment.
Questions may be directed to info.plans [at] (info[dot]plans[at]moncton[dot]ca) or 506-856-4375.

A full list of fees for development, zoning, subdivision, and other applications can be found below.
2024 Fees and charges
By-law Z-222 | Zoning By-law | 2024 Fees ($) |
10(1)(a) & (b) | Application to amend Zoning By-law | 3070.00 |
Application to amend Municipal Plan or Secondary Municipal Plan | 3905.00 | |
12(1) | Temporary use application | 502.00 |
14(a) | Variance application for single, two unit dwelling & semi-detached | 502.00 |
14(b) | Variance application for multiple unit dwelling, commercial, industrial and all other uses | 728.00 |
14(c) | Rulling of similar or compatible permitted use | 502.00 |
15(1) | Zoning confirmation letter | 144.00 |
15(2) | Zoning compliance letter | 144.00 |
17(1)(a) | Development permit for single unit dwelling, two unit dwelling or semi-detached dwelling | 56.00 |
17(1)(b) | Development permit for manufactured dwelling, addition or renovations to a single unit dwelling, manufactured dwelling, two unit dwelling or semi-detached dwelling | 41.00 |
17(1)(c) | Development permit for secondary use, accessory building or structure, vending facility, temporary building or structure or a demolition of a building or structure | 41.00 |
17(1)(d) | Development permit for site preparation work related to an approved subdivision | 118.00 |
17(1)(e) | For other development with a construction value of: | |
(i) | under $10,000 | 56.00 |
(ii) | equal to or greater than $10,000 and less than $500,000 | 169.00 |
(iii) | equal to or greater than $500,000 and less than $1,000,000 | 287.00 |
(iv) | equal to or greater than $1,000,000 and less than $5,000,000 | 502.00 |
(v) | equal to or greater than $5,000,000 | 727.00 |
17(2) | Terms and conditions application | 502.00 |
17(3) | Non-conforming use application | 502.00 |
69 | Application to injure or destroy a tree | 117.00 |
By-law Z-323 | SUBDIVISION OF LANDS | 2024 Fees ($) |
7(1) | Type 1 Subdivision Application | 390.00 |
7(1) | Type 2 Subdivision Application | 615.00 |
7(2) | Subdivision agreement | 1117.00 |
7(3) | Each lot or parcel created by subdivision | 277.00 |
8 | Instrument Approvals (per instrument) | 118.00 |
8(1) | Renewal of expired tentative plan approval | 287.00 |
Application for of telecommunication towers | 2783.00 |
Available financial incentives
Housing Accelerator Fund
The Housing Accelerator Fund provides funding to local governments for increasing housing supply in their communities. The fund also supports the development of complete, low-carbon and climate-resilient communities that are affordable, inclusive, equitable, and diverse.
The program is intended to drive transformational change within the sphere of control of the local government regarding land use planning and development approvals. The objective of the program is to accelerate the supply of housing across Canada resulting in at least 100,000 more housing units than would have occurred without the program.
The City will receive funds through incentive payments on an annual basis. Each grant program is subject to an annual review and may change depending on uptake and demand.
Grant funding is dependent on federal funding.
Available Funding
The City of Moncton submitted an action plan in response to a call for applications for the Housing Accelerator Fund. Following its review, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation awarded the City of Moncton more than $15.5 million dollars to be disbursed over a three-year period beginning in fall 2023. Included within the action plan are five grant programs that will run for the duration of the funding, from 2023 to 2026.
The five grant programs, designed to accelerate housing within our community, can be separated into two streams. To learn more about each grant program and the application/eligibility requirements, follow the links below.
Economic Development
- Downtown Densification Grant Program - $2.4 million-$3 million
Description: To incentivize new downtown housing developments through a per-door incentive grant ($20,000 per door, up to $300,000 per application)
- Accessory Dwelling Unit Grant Program - $300,000 Funds are currently fully allocated
Description: To incentivize new accessory dwelling units (e.g. basement apartments and garden suites) through a per-door incentive grant ($10,000 per accessory dwelling unit)
- Growth Areas Housing Grant Program - $2 million-$2.5 million
Description: To incentivize the development of new housing units in development charge areas through a per-door incentive grant ($5,000 for a single unit dwelling, $10,000 per dwelling unit for a two-unit dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, three-unit dwelling, townhouse dwelling, or rowhouse dwelling and $15,000 per dwelling unit for a multiple-unit dwelling). A total of 10 dwelling units may be approved per application with the grant total not exceeding $150,000.
- Business Improvement Area Missing Middle Residential Infill Grant Program - $900,000
Description: To incentivize the development of new housing within Moncton’s Business Improvement Area through a per-door incentive grant ($15,000 per new unit to a maximum of $150,000 per development)
Affordable Housing
- Non-Profit Development Grant Program - $1 million-$2 million
Description: To incentivize new non-profit, affordable housing developments through a per-door incentive grant ($20,000 per door, up to $200,000 per application)
- Non-Profit Soft Costs Grant Program - $100,000
Description: To assist with the development of new non-profit, affordable housing developments through a grant to help cover soft costs ($20,000 per non-profit corporation during the HAF funding period)
For more information, contact:
Josh Davies, Senior Planner – josh.davies [at] (josh[dot]davies[at]moncton[dot]ca)