Community Grants
The City of Moncton is pleased to support local organizations through its Annual Community Grant Program. Organizations that provide support to city programs or enhance residents' quality of life may be eligible for a municipal grant. Note: The 2025 application is now open.
grants [at] (grants[at]moncton[dot]ca)

Grant Streams
- Major and Multi-Year Grants- one-time annual funding or multi-year monetary funding (operational and/or capital) of $10,000 or above.
- Quality of Life Grants- under $10,000 and are awarded to organizations that align with the City’s Social Inclusion Plan and/or Strategic Plan.
- Immigration Grants- under $10,000, provide funding to organizations that provide services that assist in furthering the priorities in the Greater Moncton Immigration Strategy.
- Cultural Grants- under $10,000 for projects that align with the City’s 2016-2026 Cultural Plan.
Grant Process
- Grant applications for 2025 close Monday, Sept. 30, 2024.
- Once evaluated, recommendations are made to City Council in the fall and finalized during budget deliberations.
- Successful applicants for these grants will receive their funding during the 2025 calendar year.
- Applicants who received funding must submit a final report by the second Friday in December for that funding year. Organizations who received funding in 2024 must submit their report by Friday, Dec. 13, 2024. If a final report is not submitted, funding approved for 2025 may not be disbursed and future funding applications may not be accepted.
New in 2025
Moncton City Council has approved several changes to the grant program, one of which was to augment the composition of the Grant Evaluation Committee to include members from the community, Council, and City administration. This Committee will be responsible for the evaluation of major and multi-year applications starting for the 2025 budget year.
The timing of grant applications has also changed:
- June 10, 2024 - Information sessions for organizations covering the application process, outcomes, timelines, and overall expectations
- June 17, 2024 - Grant application available online
- Sept. 30, 2024 - Deadline for submission/completion of online grant application
- Oct. 1, 2024 to Nov. 15, 2024 - Evaluation of grant applications in all categories
- Dec. 2, 2024 - Presentation of grant funding allocations to Council
- Dec. 6, 2024 - Communication to all organizations of amount of grant awards
- January 2025 - Contribution payments commence to supported organizations
Organizations eligible for a City of Moncton grant are outlined in the City of Moncton Grant Policy.
Please note the following are not eligible to apply:
- individuals
- government agencies
- for-profit groups
- any application aligned with any political party or to support programs or services thereof
- any application aligned with any religious affiliation, or to support programs or services thereof
- commercial ventures
- groups using the funds to operate a program, project, or operation predominantly outside of the City of Moncton
Steps to apply
- Review the grant policy, the grant streams, and your eligibility to apply.
- Download a copy of the grant application (in Word format) to help you in preparing your application. It is strongly recommended you first complete your application offline and then, when you are ready, paste your answers into your online application. Doing this also ensures you have a copy of your answers for future applications.
- Create an account on the City of Moncton website.
Note: All applicants must create a new account, even if you have had an account in the past. Accounts are kept only for the application period. You may register using the same email address you have used previously.- Go to
- Click on the "Register an Account" button.
- Enter your name and email address and create a password, then click the "Create New Account" button.
- A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you used to register. To confirm your account, click on the link in the confirmation email and log into the site.
- Complete the online application by Monday, Sept. 30, 2024. You will be able to save a draft of your application by clicking on “save draft” at the bottom of each page of the online application form.
- Before submitting your form for consideration, you will be able to preview your application. You can also print your application at that time to keep a copy of it.
Support for major and multi-year grant applications
An information session to assist with completion of the major and multi-year grants application was held in person and was recorded and is posted below.
If you did not attend in person, you must view the session online before completing your application.
Projected outcomes
In order for an organization to be considered for a grant, three to five projected outcomes must be selected for initiatives they intend to achieve over the next year with the requested funding.
We have included examples of projected outcomes below that you can use as a guide. Organizations are also welcome to create their own specific outcome as long as it is measurable.
Examples of outcomes
Using common metrics allows us to gather data more effectively and demonstrates the impact allocated funding has on the City and its residents. These same projected outcomes will also be required to be reported on in the year-end report to determine if organizations have met their targets. All organizational outcomes will be compiled and a report will be provided to City Council.
As an example, if one projected outcome an organization aims to achieve using City of Moncton grant funds is to have 25 clients obtain safe and stable housing, that same objective needs to be reported on in the year-end report, and the organization must indicate how many clients they were successful in helping to obtain safe and stable housing. In other words, the organization is setting an objective of what it wants to achieve, and then it must report on what the actual results were.
Examples of outcomes
Social Inclusion/Social Development Outcomes
- Total # of clients obtaining safe and stable housing
- Total # of clients participating in cooking or nutrition classes or who have increased food literacy skills
- Total # of vulnerable/under-represented people provided with direct shelter (24-48hr emergency respite housing)
- Total # of people developing positive relationships with peers, adults, family members, etc.
- Total # of individuals learning about community safety resources
- Total # of individuals receiving referrals to ensure increased access to services that stabilize housing
- Total # of people living with addiction who will benefit from improved access to programs and services
- Total # of education sessions/workshops provided to vulnerable/underrepresented populations
Culture Outcomes
- Total # of visitors (to museum, other cultural facility, or event)
- Total increase in # of visitors/participants compared to previous year
- Total # of attendees benefiting from subsidized or reduced pricing structure (e.g. student rate, seniors’ rate)
- Total # of programs providing access for under-represented populations
- Total # of programs/projects that support social inclusion/enhancement
Recreation Outcomes
- Total # of children and youth (18 years and under) who participated in recreational activity
- Total increase in # of children and youth who participated in recreational activity compared to previous year
- Total # of people who have access to sports equipment at a reduced cost
- Total # of participants benefiting from subsidized or reduced pricing structure (e.g. student rate, seniors’ rate)
- Total # of programs providing access for under-represented populations
Immigration Outcomes
- Total # of newcomers/international students to whom you are providing settlement services
- Total # of workshops/seminars offered to help newcomers/international students integrate in Moncton
- Total # of newcomers/international students attracted to Moncton
- Total # of tools/resources developed
- Total # of programs/projects that support integration/retention
Other Outcomes
- Total # of participants learning about ways to decrease their impact on the environment
- Total # of tools/resources developed
- Total # of programs/projects that support economic growth/environmental protection, etc.
Other municipal funding
The City offers numerous other funding programs that are not funded through a Community Grant stream: