Social Inclusion

Social Inclusion Plan
Better, Together: Moncton’s Social Inclusion Plan seeks to serve as a living document that drives action, innovation, and continuous improvement.
Built on the foundation of an extensive needs assessment, this strategy incorporates a wealth of data, community input, and expert insights.
Each section is organized around 16 foundational pillars, providing specific outcomes and actionable steps designed to address Moncton's most pressing social issues.

Social Needs Assessment
The Social Needs Assessment provides a comprehensive overview of the current social landscape in Moncton.
The purpose of this assessment is to identify and understand the unique social challenges faced by different segments of the population, and to inform the development of targeted interventions and social infrastructure planning.

Social Inclusion Committee
The City of Moncton has established the Social Inclusion Committee to provide advice to Council on social inclusion issues. Such advice can be requested by Council or provided by the Committee on its own initiative.
The Committee is also tasked with providing staff with recommendations on how best to approach addressing the action items contained within Better, Together: Moncton’s Social Inclusion Plan, and by recommending to Council specific initiatives, including funding measures, to enhance social inclusion in the city.
Social Inclusion Committee Governance Framework
Anything not covered in this Governance Framework will default to the City’s Administration of Agencies, Boards, Commissions, and Committees Policy.
Committee objectives
The main task of the Committee is to provide advice to Council on social inclusion issues. The Committee has no decision-making authority. It makes recommendations to Council.
If Council asks the Committee for advice, the Committee will address the request as soon as possible. The Committee can provide advice to Council on issues of its own initiative.
The Committee’s second most important task is to guide the City’s efforts in implementing Better, Together: Moncton’s Social Inclusion Plan. Five specific objectives will guide its actions:
- Advance social inclusion priorities: Identify and pursue opportunities to enhance social inclusion within the community, aligning with the plan's priorities.
- Leadership engagement: Keep senior leadership and City Council informed about issues, challenges, and opportunities related to the plan's pillars, fostering a responsive and proactive governance approach.
- Progress reporting: Regularly report on the achievements and challenges in meeting the plan's objectives, ensuring transparency and accountability.
- Budget allocation: Recommend how to distribute the funds allocated by Council to support initiatives that produce the ‘best bang for the bucks’ in advancing the plan's priorities.
- 2024 Social Inclusion Summit: Lead the organization and execution of the 2024 Social Inclusion Summit, a key event to showcase progress, celebrate successes, and plan future actions for social inclusion in Moncton.
Committee composition
The Committee will be composed of a diverse group of members, reflecting a balance between individual and organizational representatives to ensure a broad range of perspectives and expertise.
The Committee will include up to 12 members:
- Up to eight citizens, representing the diverse demographics and communities within Moncton. Up to four members will be individuals interested in social inclusion in the city. Up to four members will be designated by organizations actively involved in social inclusion in the city or who have expertise that would contribute significantly to the advancement of social inclusion in the city.
- Up to one member of Council, to provide governance oversight and advice, and to ensure alignment with municipal objectives and policies.
- Up to two staff members from the City of Moncton, to provide municipal insights and expertise and logistical support to the committee.
- Executive positions:
- Chairperson: Elected by Committee members from the eight citizens to lead the Committee, set agendas, and facilitate meetings.
- Vice-chairperson: Assists the chairperson and stands in when the chairperson is unavailable.
- Secretary: Responsible for maintaining records, minutes of meetings, and official communications.
- All Committee members, except City staff, will receive one vote in Committee decisions, ensuring equitable contribution from all members.
- Members will serve a two-year term, with the possibility for one reappointment to ensure continuity while allowing for the introduction of new perspectives over time.
Member selection
For the inaugural year, the Social Inclusion Committee will select members through a targeted process led by the two City staff designated to sit on the Committee.
- They will seek out potential members who have shown leadership and engagement in areas relevant to the Social Inclusion Plan's pillars.
- Selection process will include an ‘equity check’, whereby top candidates are then scrutinized to respect the 50/30 DEI rule (50 per cent gender parity with 30 per cent participation from underrepresented groups). Other considerations may include age or geography to ensure representation from different wards/neighbourhoods.
- Final selection will require Council approval.
In subsequent years, the Committee shall determine the most effective recruitment strategy, potentially incorporating open calls to allow broader community participation.
Final decision on the membership of the Committee will need approval from City Council. This flexible approach allows the Committee to adapt its recruitment strategy over time, ensuring it remains aligned with evolving community needs and the goals of the Social Inclusion Plan.
Meeting structure and frequency
The Social Inclusion Committee will adopt a structured approach to its meetings to ensure efficient and productive sessions. Meetings will include a set agenda, time for open discussion, and a review of action items from previous meetings.
The structure is designed to facilitate clear communication, decision-making, and progress tracking on the
Committee's objectives.
- The chairperson, in consultation with City staff, will set the agenda before each meeting. Agenda items will include updates on ongoing projects, discussion of new initiatives, and review of feedback from community engagement activities.
- Adequate time will be allocated for open discussion to encourage collaborative problem-solving and to consider innovative approaches to advancing social inclusion.
- Each meeting will conclude with a review of action items and assignments to ensure accountability and continued momentum.
- Meetings will be hosted at City Hall, with provisions for virtual participation to accommodate all members.
Meeting frequency
- The Committee will meet twice in May, twice in June, and twice in July to kickstart its activities.
- Following the initial period, the committee will meet once per month as a standard practice.
- Depending on planning priorities and at the discretion of the chairperson, the frequency of meetings may increase to twice per month to address specific needs or accelerate progress on key initiatives.
- Small working groups can be formed as the Committee sees fit;however, official ad-hoc committees can only be created with Council approval.
- The chair must be informed of any regrets for attendance and members should attend 80 per cent of regular meetings in a 12-month period. Exceptions are permitted with just cause (ex. illness, bereavement).
Governance and decision-making process
The Social Inclusion Committee's governance and decision-making process is designed to ensure clear, effective, and transparent operations aligned with the goals of the Social Inclusion Plan. This section outlines the key components of the Committee's governance structure, including the decision-making process, transparency measures, and compliance with the City of Moncton's grant processes.
Decision-making process
- The Committee will use a majority vote for its decision-making process.
- While the majority vote method will guide most decisions, the Committee is encouraged to seek consensus whenever possible to ensure broader agreement and support for its actions.
Extraordinary circumstances clause
Such actions will occur under the advisement of City leadership, including Council, ensuring that any decision to supersede Committee votes is made with the utmost consideration for the City's and community's best interests.
Transparency and accountability measures
- Meetings and records of the Social Inclusion Committee will be accessible to the public to enhance trust and encourage community engagement. This transparency is essential for maintaining accountability and ensuring that the Committee's work is conducted in the public interest.
- The Committee will provide quarterly updates to the City Council, offering detailed reports on its activities, progress, and any challenges encountered. These presentations are a critical component of the Committee's accountability to both the City Council and the Moncton community and to maintain social inclusion on the front burner of public interest.
Conflict of interest and recusal
The Social Inclusion Committee is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and impartiality in its operations. If a Committee member is or fears to be in a conflict of interest when deliberating a particular matter or when voting on a particular recommendation, the member should recuse himself or herself from the meeting.
Recognizing the potential for conflicts of interest is essential in preserving the trust and respect of the Moncton community. This section outlines the Committee's policy on identifying, disclosing, and managing conflicts of interest.
Identifying conflicts of interest
- A conflict of interest occurs when a Committee member's personal, professional, or financial interests could potentially influence or appear to influence their decision-making or duties within the Committee. A personal interest includes an interest that could benefit a member of the immediate family (parent, spouse, child).
- All Committee members must disclose any potential or actual conflicts of interest at the earliest opportunity. This includes interests that may affect their impartiality in discussions, decision-making, or in the allocation of resources and grants.
Recusal process
- Members with a declared or recognized conflict of interest regarding a specific matter under discussion will recuse themselves from related deliberations and voting. The recusal process ensures that decisions are made fairly and without bias.
- Instances of conflict of interest and subsequent recusal will be documented in the meeting minutes, maintaining transparency and accountability.
Management and oversight
- Members are expected to update their disclosure of interests regularly or as changes occur, ensuring the Committee is always aware of potential conflicts.
- The Committee will provide resources and guidance on identifying and managing conflicts of interest, ensuring all members understand their responsibilities under this policy.
- The policy on conflicts of interest and recusal will be reviewed periodically and updated as necessary to address new challenges and maintain the Committee's integrity.
Ethics and conduct guidelines
The Social Inclusion Committee is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of ethical behaviour and professional conduct.
This includes but is not limited to:
- Members must conduct themselves with honesty, integrity, and transparency, ensuring their actions contribute positively to the Committee's objectives and the public's trust.
- All members should demonstrate respect for differing opinions, values, and cultural practices, fostering an inclusive environment conducive to constructive dialogue and collaboration.
- Members are required to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information discussed in Committee meetings, except where disclosure is mandated by law or necessary for public accountability.
- Members must actively avoid situations where personal, financial, or professional interests could conflict with their duties on the Committee. Any potential conflicts must be disclosed and managed according to the Committee's policies.
- Members are obliged to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies governing the Committee's operations and its broader mandate within the community.
- Members should conduct themselves in keeping with the general guidelines outlined in the Code of Conduct for Elected Officials.