Agencies, Boards, Commissions, and Committees
Agencies, boards, commissions, and committees provide important representation of citizens’ perspectives and interests.
Mayor’s Office
mayor [at] (mayor[at]moncton[dot]ca)
A commitment to community participation and service is a key to the City’s success. Residents and individuals with related experience are welcome to apply to become members of an agencies, board, commission, or committee (ABCCs).
The City is committed to an inclusive appointment process. Membership of ABCCs should:
- reflect the diversity of the community
- represent stakeholder groups
- bring specific skills and expertise that contribute to good governance
- represent specific groups of service users
- bring volunteers or profile to a service
Members should collectively cover the range of skills and experience needed to meet the requirements of each group.
Participating in an ABCC
Public members of ABCCs are appointed by Moncton City Council through recommendations by the Mayor. Suggestions for appointments may come to the Mayor through formal recruitment processes, suggestions by Council members or chairs or members of the groups, or from the database of candidates who have applied.
Generally, members may be appointed for terms of up to three years, with a maximum of one re-appointment. Members serve on a voluntary and unpaid basis, unless otherwise provided for by legislation or other defining documents. Where appropriate, expenses may be reimbursed if pre-approved.
Eligibility requirements
Members of ABCCs must:
- Be a resident of Moncton, own and/or operate a business in Moncton, or be a subject-matter expert specifically invited for their skillset or professional background.
- Be at least 18 years of age. (Exceptions for youth ABCCs).
- Undergo a criminal record check if serving in a capacity that oversees funds, deals with a vulnerable population, or as otherwise appropriate.
- Be available to attend 80 per cent of regular meetings in a 12-month period. Exceptions are permitted with just cause (ex. illness, bereavement).
- Sign the City’s confidentiality agreement, as well as adhere to the applicable general standards of behaviour outlined in the Code of Conduct for Elected Officials.
Relatives of Council members and City employees are eligible for appointment to ABCCs, except in the case of remunerated roles. City employees may not apply for appointment, but may be appointed to an ABCC by virtue of their position.

Internal committees
Committees provide collaboration between City Council, staff, and residents on important matters facing the community.
Residents with related experience are welcome to apply to become members of any committee.
List of Committees

Agencies, boards, and commissions
External groups and organizations collaborate with City Council and provide recommendations on community matters.
Members of Moncton City Council are invited to sit on these groups; some also welcome residents. Find out on which boards you can apply to serve on the agencies, boards, commissions, and committees application form.
List of external agencies, boards, and commissions
- Ability Transit Inc. Board of Directors
- L'Association francophone des municipalités du Nouveau-Brunswick
- Moncton Boys and Girls Club Inc. Board of Directors
- Capitol Theatre Inc. Board of Directors
- Codiac Regional Policing Authority
- Croix Bleue Medavie Stadium Management Committee
- Crossman Community Centre/Kay Arena Programs Committee
- Destination Moncton-Dieppe Inc. Board of Directors
- Downtown Moncton Centre-ville Inc. Board of Directors
- Greater Moncton Roméo LeBlanc International Airport Authority Inc. Board of Directors
- Greater Moncton Santa Claus Parade Inc. Board of Directors
- Moncton Industrial Development Limited Board of Directors
- Moncton Public Library Board
- Multicultural Association of Greater Moncton Area Inc. (MAGMA) Board of Directors
- Southeast Regional Service Commission
- TransAqua - Greater Moncton Wastewater Commission - Commission Board