By-Law Enforcement
Moncton City by-laws are designed to protect the health and safety of the community. By-laws ensure that high standards are met and maintained throughout all aspects of municipal life.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I make inquiries or express a concern regarding a ticket?
A ticket is a legal document and should remain with the person it was issued to. If you feel a ticket was issued in error, a ticket review may be requested within five days of receiving the ticket. Tickets will not be reviewed after five days, but may be contested in court.
The owner of the vehicle is required to contact By-Law Enforcement at 506-853-3333 or by e-mail at info.enforcement [at] The ticket number, issued date as well as your name and contact information will be required in order to commence a review. The review is to ensure any errors are addressed prior to further legal action being taken (warning letter, summons to appear, court proceedings).
How long will it take to get the result of a ticket review?
Ten business days.
How do I make a complaint of a potential by-law violation?
Please contact the By-Law Enforcement Department at 506-853-3333 or email info.enforcement [at] This will ensure prompt service and avoids delays in response times.
May I file a complaint on behalf of another person?
No. The resident should contact By-Law Enforcement directly. This ensures all pertinent information is obtained, such as: address of potential violation and details of complaint.
What steps are taken to determine if my complaint is valid?
All parties involved deserve a fair and impartial service delivery. The investigation includes a review of all pertinent information, determination if authority rests with the Municipality (or if the matter is a civil issue) and what action is to be taken according to regulations.
How will I know a complaint has been opened in the system?
You will be given a service request number generated by the system.
What information is provided when a status update is requested?
In order to ensure privacy and integrity of the investigation process, general updates can be provided, such as:
- investigation is ongoing
- violation of a by-law confirmed
- no violation found
- enforcement action has commenced
- court proceedings
- file completed/resolved
Frequently-used by-laws
Renovating your home? Starting a business? New family pet? Find out about the City of Moncton by-laws that may impact you.

Building Code By‑Laws
These by-laws help guide builders undertaking renovations as well as home and commercial construction.

Commercial By-Laws
Businesses and commercial properties are subject to specific by-laws and permits.

Residential By-Laws
Homeowners and renters must abide by residential by-laws that ensure community and safety standards are met.

Parking By-Laws
Find out where and when you can park on city streets and lots.

Animal Control By‑Law
Learn about the by-law related to pet licensing as well as health and safety regulations.