Waste Collection

Moncton uses an environmentally-friendly 3-Bag Waste Sorting System that separates compostable materials, recyclables and garbage. A bulk waste collection service disposes of old appliances, construction materials and furniture that cannot be reused.


How do Holidays impact waste collection?

The only holidays that may impact the waste collection schedule are Christmas and New Year's, and any updates will be communicated through the City’s website and social media channels. 

Please note the regular waste collection schedule remains in effect throughout the Easter holidays.

I have feedback on the new waste collection. Where can I pass it along to?

As we begin rolling-out the new waste collection system, we would appreciate the feedback of residents, especially if waste is not collected. Please contact us by one of the following means to advise us of your comments:

  • Sending a message to the City of Moncton / Ville de Moncton on Facebook
  • Email info [at] moncton.ca (info[at]moncton[dot]ca)
  • Fill out the Report an Issue form
  • Call our 24/7 Dispatch line at 506-853.3333.

Can I put my waste in containers?

Yes, waste can be placed in containers. Although not required, we recommend that organic waste (green bag) is placed in a closed container to prevent being opened by animals or weather events.

The containers for waste cannot be taller than 30 inches. Large containers can be used to store waste throughout the week, but can not be used at the curb for collection. This is to reduce risk of injuries to the collectors.

Where do I put my waste if it is snowing?

As per the City’s By-Law on Waste Collection, waste will not be collected if it is placed on top of ice or a snowbank or if it is in an area that is not cleared of snow.

How do I know if my waste collection pick-up is cancelled?

In the event that waste collection is postponed or cancelled, the City will post on social media and inform media, who will in turn advise residents of the change(s).

How do I report a missed waste pick-up?

You can report missed pick-ups 24/7 by completing this online form or phoning 506.853.3333.

How do I know what colour bag to put the garbage in?

Moncton uses a three-bag sorting system. You can use Eco360’s online sorting tool to find out which items go in which bag. Eco360 also has a mobile app with the sorting tool and reminders to remind you of your upcoming collection dates.

What if my waste is not collected?

The City may refuse to accept an item for disposal if it is not sorted, packaged or placed for collection in accordance with By-law P-416 or if it is non-collectable waste.

All waste that hasn’t been collected, along with any container or receptacle, must be put away no later than 7 p.m.

You can report missed pick-ups 24/7 by completing this online form or phoning 506.853.3333.