Youth Advisory Committee


Youth Advisory Committee

Three student representatives from each of the five local high schools: Bernice MacNaughton, Harrison Trimble, Moncton High, École L’Odyssée and Moncton Christian Academy make up the committee.

Students who apply must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be City of Moncton residents;
  • Must attend one of the city’s five high schools;
  • Will represent a cross-section of Moncton youth;
  • Must be available to attend meetings and other activities on behalf of the committee;
  • Must represent themselves and not any organization or special interest group.

Mandate and Responsibilities


The Youth Advisory Committee will endeavour to enrich and enhance the quality of life of youth in the city, identify barriers, form partnerships with the community, and act as a public forum for issues affecting youth. As a means to achieve this, the Committee’s mandate will be to organize an annual public forum with the purpose of identifying and discussing issues of interest to youth.


The Youth Advisory Committee shall be responsible to:

  • Organize and implement an annual forum, YouthFest.
  • Encourage youth to participate in the forum.
  • Follow-up on actions to be carried out as a result of the forum.


Bernice MacNaughton High School

  • Olivia Mowat
  • Alex Melendy
  • James Lu

Harrison Trimble High School

  • Olivia Mabey
  • Branwyn Kennedy
  • Isabelle Moore

Moncton High School

  • Ashlee Murray
  • Aaschir Sheikh
  • Hooriyah Eaman

École Odyssée

  • Lucie Leger
  • Maëlle Gauthier
  • Sahar Bahramalipanah

Moncton Christian Academy

  • Elizabeth Ogunade
  • Nicholas Dwyer
  • Noah Tait

Moncton City Council

  • Councillor Monique LeBlanc
  • Councillor Dave Steeves