Event Hosting Grant Program

The City of Moncton’s Event Hosting Grant Program is designed to provide financial support to local, registered, not-for-profit organizations for the hosting of one-time, non-recurring international, national, regional, and provincial sporting and cultural events that bring economic benefits to Moncton by attracting out-of-town spectators to the city.


events [at] moncton.ca (events[at]moncton[dot]ca)

Application form

To apply for an Event Hosting Grant:

Please note: We can guide you as you fill out the application form. Contact us if you have any questions!

Terms and Guidelines

Program Description

The City of Moncton’s Event Hosting Grant Program is designed to provide financial support to local, registered, not-for-profit organizations for the hosting of one-time, non-recurring international, national, regional, and provincial sporting and cultural events that bring economic benefits to Moncton by attracting out-of-town spectators to the city.  

Note: Recurring events that meet the objectives of this program may also apply for funding, however, priority will be given to non-recurring events, as the grant program operates within a fixed and limited budget.  

IMPORTANT: This program does not apply to local festivals or community events. For information on event support from the City of Moncton to local festivals and community events, see the Event Application Form

Program Objectives

This funding program aims to:

  • Assist local clubs and associations in bringing non-recurring events to Moncton and as a result, foster their growth and development;
  • Increase economic activity in the region by supporting the hosting of events that bring out-of-town spectators to the city;
  • Position Moncton as a leading event hosting destination;
  • Optimize the use of Moncton’s public venues through event hosting.

Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for funding under this program, all of the following eligibility conditions must be met: 

  • The organization hosting/coordinating the event must be incorporated as a non-profit organization and must provide its incorporation number in the application form of this program.
  • The organization must be inclusive, and must not exclude anyone because of religion, national or ethnic origin, colour, language, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, or mental of physical disability. This does not preclude those organizations that restrict services to a particular sector of the community to improve the conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups according to Section (1) (2) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  • The event must be a not-for-profit event.
  • The event must be one-time, and non-recurring (such as events that are held in a different city each year). Note: Recurring events that meet the objectives of this program may also apply for funding, however, priority will be given to non-recurring events, as the grant program operates within a fixed and limited budget.
  • The event must be international, national, regional or provincial in scope and meet the established criteria for its scope (see Event Scope Criteria below).
  • The event must be sporting or cultural in nature (competition, tournament, championship, traveling exhibition or other).
  • The event must be at least three days in length.
  • The event must be affiliated with a local, registered, not-for-profit organization or club.
  • The event must be sanctioned/formally approved by the recognized governing sport or cultural authority.
    • Funding applicants must provide a signed letter of endorsement from the governing sport or cultural authority formally confirming that your organization was awarded the event.
    • Note: Electronic signatures are accepted, however typed signatures are not. In lieu of a signed letter, the governing sport or cultural authority may send an email directly to the City of Moncton Events Department to the attention of the Event Hosting Grant Program at events [at] moncton.ca (events[at]moncton[dot]ca) confirming that your organization was awarded the event.
  • The event must present a detailed and balanced projected budget that shows no surplus or deficit.
  • The event must bring economic benefits to Moncton by attracting out-of-town spectators to the city.
  • The event must foster the development of local sporting and/or cultural communities.
  • The event must occur in Moncton.

Ineligible Events

Events that are not eligible for funding under this program include: 

  • Local festivals and community events
  • For-profit events
  • Fundraising events
  • Recurring, annual events
  • Events that are projecting a budget surplus or deficit
  • Conferences, meetings, conventions, symposia, seminars, clinics
  • Banquets, galas
  • Trade shows, consumer shows
  • Private events
  • Political events
  • Events that qualify for funding under other City of Moncton programs

Event Scope Criteria

To qualify for funding under this program, events must meet the following scope criteria: 


Provincial Events: 

  • minimum of 250 participants;
  • formally approved/sanctioned by the provincial sports or cultural organization that holds the event rights;
  • minimum of ten villages/towns/cities represented; and
  • at least one third of participants are coming from/living outside of Southeast New Brunswick (Southeast NB encompasses communities in Albert, Kent, and Westmorland counties).


Regional Events: 

  • minimum of 500 participants;
  • formally approved/sanctioned by the national sports or cultural organization that holds the event rights;
  • minimum of four provinces/territories/states represented; and
  • at least one third of participants are coming from/living outside of New Brunswick.


National Events:

  • minimum of 50 participants;
  • formally approved/sanctioned by the national sports or cultural organization that holds the event rights;
  • minimum of seven Canadian provinces and territories represented; and
  • at least one third of participants are coming from/living outside of New Brunswick.


International Events: 

  • formally approved/sanctioned by the international or intercontinental sport federation or cultural organization that holds the event rights; OR international invitational event that does not belong to an international competition circuit, but that is nonetheless sanctioned by an international or intercontinental sport federation;
  • minimum of two participating countries represented; and
  • at least one third of participants are coming from/living outside of Canada.

Funding Information

  • There is no guarantee of funding; applications may result in full, partial or no funding.
  • Events that have diversified sources of funding from both the public and private sectors will be prioritized for funding under this program.
  • A grant under this program may fund up to a maximum of 20% of the total event operating budget.
  • Funding from this program can be applied to event operating costs only. Funds cannot be used for capital projects, for prize money, to fund a local club’s operating expenses or to advance a profit venture.
  • If an organization wishes to host a national event for two consecutive years in Moncton, the City may consider expanded support pending the availability of funds and discussion with the organization.
  • Funding Levels:
    • Provincial events: up to $1,500
    • Regional events: up to $3,000
    • National events: up to $7,500
    • International events: up to $10,000

Event Budget Guidelines

  • Event applications must include an event budget.
  • The event budget must show a detailed list of estimated expenses, revenues, other confirmed/targeted funding sources, sponsorships, and in-kind donations.
  • The event budget must be balanced, where total anticipated revenues are equal to total planned expenses (no surplus, no deficit).
  • An event budget that shows a projected surplus or deficit will render the application ineligible for funding under this program.
  • Funding from this program can be applied to event operating costs only. Funds cannot be used for capital projects, for prize money, to fund a local club’s operating expenses, or to advance a profit venture.
  • Event Budget Projections Template: You may download this template to prepare the projected event budget, or you may use your own format.

Application Process

  • Applications must be received a minimum of six (6) weeks prior to the event and may be submitted up to one (1) year prior to the event.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • An organization may only apply for an event hosting grant for the same event once every three years.

After a grant has been approved:

  1. Recognition: Recipients are required to provide recognition to the City of Moncton as a funding partner if the funding request is approved. Sponsor recognition benefits shall be discussed and agreed upon between the City and the event organizer before the funding is issued.
  2. Initial Payment: 50% of the approved grant will be issued within the 60 days leading up to the event.
  3. Post-event Report: A Post-event Report Form must be filled out and submitted to the City of Moncton within 30 days after the event has occurred for the balance of the grant to be issued.
  4. Final Payment: 50% of the approved grant will be issued within 60 days after the event pending the receipt of the post-event report and financial statement outlining actual revenues and expenses of the event.